Faculty Handbook » Clubs


Hawaii Department of Education Standard Practice Document - Non-Appropriated Student Activity Fund; School Clubs
Document Highlights
  • All school clubs must apply annually by completing the Application for School Club Charter (SAF-IC2) to be officially recognized by the school.
  • Clubs are open to any student.
  • Clubs elect officers, have a constitution, and may collect dues, with support from a faculty advisor.
  • School Clubs shall maintain a complete set of financial records in Category Series 4000 (Club).
  • All school clubs must prepare and submit a School Club or Sports Team Annual Financial Report (SAF-IC3) to the Principal within 10 calendar days following the close of the fiscal year.
Club Forms
Club Procedures for 2021/22
Thank you for your interest in starting a school sponsored club!  Per Hawaii Department of Education guidelines, all clubs (new and returning) must complete the following tasks (all relevant documents may be found below):
  1. Review the Department's standard practice documents.
    • This form requires a club charter
    • This document must be signed by the club president, faculty advisor and the principal
    • This form MUST be completed before any club activity
  3. Once all signatures are obtained, submit SAF-IC2, including club charter, to the Student Activities Coordinator.
  4. All club fundraising must follow DOE guidelines.  Please see the fund raising section in the faculty handbook for more information.
  5. All clubs must complete the end of the year financial report SAF-IC3.
Please see the Student Activities Coordinator should you have any questions or need help completing any of these tasks.