Faculty Handbook » Fundraising


  • All school fundraisers, excluding athletics (see Athletic Director for money raising information), must submit their fundraising request two weeks before any money raising activity via the form 422.  
  • School clubs must complete the entire charter process before any fundraising can begin.  Please see the club section of the faculty handbook for more information.
  • Kealakehe High School Tax ID Number: 99-0266482. Given to vendors in “thank you letter” for donations.
Fundraising Checklist

 Please follow these steps for all fundraising activities:

    1. Please review the applicable Hawaii State Department of Education Standard Practice document(s).  You may find all appropriate documents on the employee intranet (login with your Hawaii DOE employee number and password).
    2. Submit your fundraising request to Cassandra Macatiag. Only hard copy submissions will be accepted.
      • All fundraisers with a signed 422 by the principal will be approved.
      • As a side note, form 422 must be updated once all money raising activities are completed. Submit updated 422s to Cassandra Macatiag.
    3. Once the fundraiser is approved, it will be placed on the approved fundraiser list and shared with the accounting office.  This will allow school clubs and organizations to deposit money into their accounts.
  • Do not keep large sums of money in classrooms or offices!  Make large deposits immediately!
  1. Deposit guidelines:
    • Form 422 submitted and approved.
    • All cash must be submitted in an organized fashion - all bills facing the same way and in order from largest to smallest.
    • Large amounts of coins must be rolled.
    • Appropriate receipts must be included with the deposit (for purchases over $20).  Please see the accounting office for receipt books.
    • All deposits must include a school level deposit slip (see below).
Frequenlty Used DOE Fundraising Forms