Personal Transition Plan (PTP) » Resume


A resume is a summary of your personal data, your educational background and training, your business or professional experience and qualifications, and your achievement highlights. Essentially, your resume is an advertisement to prospective employers. It should set you apart from other candidates in the job market and sell the employer on your strongest qualifications. Please remember, the more information you put on your resume, the more impressive it is to your employer. Don't sell yourself short!
Create it!
  • View the links in your PTP Assignments and decide which resume style works best for you.
  • You are NOT limited to these two choices! Feel free to browse the internet or even use the template provided by Google Dos to create you own resume.  
  • Now create it!
  • Be sure to check ALL aspects of the resume you choose are tailored or specifically designed to fit YOU. 
Each year, from your sophomore year to senior year, you will update the various portions of your resume. You can add classes you taken, a job you obtained, awards you won, or even add community service!