Personal Transition Plan (PTP) » RIASEC Assessment and Reflection

RIASEC Assessment and Reflection

The RIASEC (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional) test is one of the two personalities test you will take within your PTP. Like the D/L Survey, this assessment will help you better understand which careers or field of study best suits you and your personality. The RIASEC will be completed in your freshman and junior year. The assessment can be accessed here: Your reflection can be found on the PTP Google Classroom. 
*You can make a copy of the RIASEC Reflection in the description in the Google Classroom.
In your reflection, you will state whether you think these results best match your personality and what if they match your future career aspirations! 
If you need more help, please reach out to your advisory teacher or email Mrs. Mina!