Personal Transition Plan (PTP) » College/Career Research

College/Career Research

The college or career research is designed to help you discover more about a specific career or college you are interested in! You are required to do a minimum of one research (college or career) per year, along with a reflection question in your Senior year. 
*You can make a copy of the college/career research in the description in the Google Classroom.
For the career research, you may use the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics website, ( You can type your career into the search box (example: heavy machinery operator or pediatrician) or use the occupation groups tab to discover the different careers within that field.  
For the college research, you will go to your desired college and follow the questions listed in the research. These questions will help you understand a little bit more about the university or community college. 
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Mina