Personal Transition Plan (PTP) » 12th Grade - PTP Requirements

12th Grade - PTP Requirements

Welcome to your FINAL year at Kealakehe! The PTP is slightly different this time around. The PTP is split up into two parts in your senior year. Part 1: completion of your "porftfolio" (the works done in your PTP Google Classroom) and Part 2: The Exit Interview. Below is a description and a timeline for your Senior PTP!
Part 1: Completion of your Portfolio (Google Classroom Work)
1. Five Year Course Planner 
  • Check out the "Five Year Course Planner" tab for more info.
  • This can be done in advisory or with your counselor!
  • In order to be considered "complete" you must have all courses and credits filled in, along with your fifth year plan, your goal for next year.
2. College/Career Research - FINAL
  • This can be done through your CTE course or you can refer to the "College/Career Research" tab for more info
  • This work can be done in your CTE Course or during advisory.
3. D/L Survey
  • Check out the "D/L Survey and Reflection" tab for more info.
  • This work can be done in during advisory.
4. Resume - FINAL
  • You will build off of your 2nd draft resume, making various edits/changes that better describe your experience or goals for the future.
  • This work can be done in during advisory.
  • If you have a resume you built for a job, you are more than welcome to upload this as well.
5. Personal Statement/High School Reflection Essay
  • Please refer to the "Personal Statement/High School Reflection Essay" tab for more info.
  • This can be done during advisory or in your English course.
6. Senior Exit Survey
  • This work can be done during advisory.
  • Please refer to the Google form on the PTP Classroom
7. PTP Exit Interview Questions
  • Check out the "PTP Exit Interview" tab for more info.
  • This work can be done during advisory.
ALL WORKS LISTED ABOVE ARE DUE DECEMBER 2ND, 2024 @ 3:15 PM!!!! The submissions will CLOSE at 3:15 pm. Credits for PTP will be rewarded after review for COMPLETE PTP, previous years PTP need to be completed as well.
Part 2: Exit Interview 
The Exit interview is required if you wish to participate in the commencement ceremony (graduation). These interviews will be held in January - February. You will only receive a date/time/location, if you have completed your WHOLE PTP. Please keep an eye out for Mrs. Mina's email asking for availabilities or to reschedule your interview. *Hint: if you complete your PTP on time, you will have the opportunity to choose your date/time first. 
  • For the interview, you will "dress for success" and treat this like an actual job interview.
  • The panel members will be comprised of various teachers and community members. 
  • More details will be given at the second semester senior meeting. 
*Scores below 21, will have to do a makeup interview. Students will be given their rubrics back to make adjustments for their makeup interview.