Personal Transition Plan (PTP) » 9th Grade - PTP Requirements

9th Grade - PTP Requirements

Welcome to your first year at Kealakehe! Throughout your year here, you will be engaged in various courses that will help you choose a career path. While engaging in these classes, you will work on:
1. Five Year Course Planner
  • Check out the "Five Year Course Planner" tab for more info.
  • This can be done in advisory or with your counselor!
2. College/Career Research #1
  • This can be done through your CTE course or you can refer to the "College/Career Research" tab for more info
  • This work can be done in your CTE Course or during advisory.
3. RIASEC Assessment + Reflection
  • Check out the "RIASEC Assessment + Reflection" tab for more info.
  • This work can be done in during advisory.
4. PTP Freshman Reflection 
  • Reflect on how your first year of high school went and share with us your triumphs and failures!
  • This can be done in the second semester, during advisory.
The classroom codes for your PTP is posted on the homepage! If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Mina Agdeppa-Chapa.