Faculty Handbook » Grading Policy

Grading Policy

Kealakehe High School Grading Policy

  • The following grade scale for reporting student achievement shall be used: A,B,C,D,F, S,U
  • Exceptions to the above academic grades “I” (Incomplete), “W” (Withdrawal), “N” (No Grade).
  • Teachers may choose to use the “I” as a temporary place holder mark to give students and their parents time and opportunity to improve their grade(s).  At the end of the “I” duration, approximately two weeks, the teacher will then evaluate the work submitted and determine the final grade to be given for the marking period.  The final grade cannot be an “I” for the assignment and/or marking period.

References in relation to Grading:

  • BOE Policy 4510 and DOE Regulation 4510.1:

BOE Policy 4510 - Reporting Student Progress Policy (Approved 5/03/16 as BOE Policy 102.12). This BOE Policy reads, in relevant part that, “The Department shall establish student progress reporting guidelines with the purpose of accurately communicating what each student knows, understands and can apply.  The guidelines shall address utilization of grading, student portfolios and other measures of student progress.”


DOE Regulation 4510.1 Reporting Student Progress Regulations

6) In secondary schools:

  1. The following grade scale for reporting student achievement shall be used:
    • Academic grades:  A, B, C, D, F, S, U
    • Exceptions to the above academic grades I (Incomplete), W (Withdrawal), N (No Grade). “DOE Attachment 1 p. XXIII - 8”



  • HSTA Contract: 7/1/17 - 6/30/21


A teacher’s evaluation of a student shall not be changed. In addition to the teacher’s evaluation, it is recognized that an administrator may make a separate evaluation of a student. In the event that an administrator makes a separate evaluation of a student, a written explanation shall be attached to the administrator’s evaluation and a copy of the administrator’s explanation forwarded to the teacher of the affected student.


The deadline for the submittal of grades shall be no earlier than end of the work day on the fourth student day following the end of each quarter except for the fourth quarter. Fourth quarter grades shall be completed by the end of the teachers’ last work day. Teachers who presently have more time to submit grades at the end of a quarter or semester shall not lose that time.


  • DOE CODE OF CONDUCT: Representation of Information in the Course of Professional Practice (Opening of the School Year Packet 2017-2018 / pg. 16)

            The employee...shall not deliberately falsify, misrepresent, or omit material 

            information concerning…:

5) Evaluation or grading of students


  • “Hawaii Administrative Rules” Title 8;...Teacher Licensing Standards

HTSB Reference Standard # 1A line 3047- Teacher regularly assess individual and group performance; design and mod instr.

HTSB Reference 8-54-9.14 (8) - Practicing the profession of teaching in a manner contrary to the recognized standards of this adopted by the HTSB in it Code of Ethics. (Std. #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice P. 904-95)