Ticket Sales for Senior Ball Happening Now!

Important Senior Ball Information


  1. All attendees must complete the dance agreement found below.
  2. Please remember that a new attendance policy is in affect for this event.
    1. Refunds will not be given should attendees not meet attendance requirements.
    2. The new policy was posted on the school's website in December; letters were sent home through advisory before break began.
  3. This year's event will be held at the Hilton Waikoloa Village on Saturday, April 13.
    • Doors open at 5:15 and close at 6:00.  Last dance is at 9:55PM.
  4. A full buffet meal is included in the price of tickets. 
  5. There is a small processing fee charged for those purchasing tickets online.  This entire fee goes to the credit/debit card processor; Kealakehe High School does not receive anything from this fee.

Want to buy a Senior Ball ticket online?  Follow these steps:

  1. Visit our online ticket partner, Ticket Spicket, by clicking here.
  2. Search "Kealakehe High School".
  3. Click on the "Senior Ball" icon.
  4. Click on the blue "Buy Ticket" button.
    • If you're buying for a Kealakehe High School SENIOR , click on the appropriate link ($95).
    • If you're buying for a Kealakehe High School underclassmen, attendees from another school or those not in school, please click on the link below the senior link ($100).
  5. Click on "Checkout".
  6. Tickets will be delivered digitally.
  7. Please download the dance agreements below, fill them out, and turn them in no later than three days after your ticket purchase to Young in the SAC Office. 

    You must bring your digital ticket to the office when you turn in your form!

    • All attendees must submit an agreement (regardless of the school the student attends, age or grade).
    • Please let Young know if you need extra time to submit the form for your guest due to extenuating circumstances (e.g. the attendee is from out of state).  Exceptions will be given on a case by case basis but must be approved by Young face to face.

Want to buy a Senior Ball ticket with cash or a money order?  Follow these steps:

  1. Download the dance agreements for all attendees below.
  2. Cash sales will be held before school, wiki and lunch only.
  3. Bring our payment, a signed dance agreement to the SAC Office.
    • Reminder: the only acceptable forms of payment is cash and money order.  Checks are not accepted!
Please direct and questions to [email protected]