Spirit Week Reminders

  1. Points will be deducted for those who rush the gym floor during the lip sync performances. Only those involved in the lip sync are allowed on the floor.
  2. Absolutely no banging or swinging of flag poles and similar items on the ground. This is a rule for both lip sync and marches.
  3. Students may not interrupt the marches of other classes. Let them do their thing.
  4. Using music in your marches?  Be sure it's clean.
  5. No confetti or silly string should be used in the marches as these items do not fully clean up.  Want to see what silly string does to the asphalt?  Look at C driveway.
Perhaps the most important rule is this - follow your gut feeling.  If you think something may be wrong or against the rules, it probably is.
See Young with questions or concerns. Let's have some fun!