Please access the digital tri-fold or read more about the program in West Hawaii Today or by accessing the article via the web link:
Students in this program will have access to 1-to-1 computers, participate in 20+ academic competition teams, have individual industry mentoring, paid internship opportunities, travel and project grants for their work, and the opportunity to earn associate's degree credit equivalency all within the school day. Students will participate in industry certifications, Stanford Design Thinking, and national STEM projects to build critical thinking, technical, and project management skills. Students will learn about Moonshot Thinking and build towards senior year engineering/science entrepreneurship funding to bring their work and training to market.
Interested families are encouraged to attend the parent night Tuesday 5/31/2016 at 6PM at Kealakehe HS U-101. Students can apply here or access the web link: Teachers, mentors, and community leaders can nominate current 8th graders here or access the web link: Applications should be submitted by June 8th, 2016.
For more information, please contact STEM Academy Project Coordinator Justin Brown at [email protected] or call 817-996-0284.