Barney S. Fujimoto Memorial scholarship HPM Building Supply offers $1000 scholarships for students planning to attend any University of Hawaii system school. Apply online at: or see Mrs. Hartney for a flyer. check out all the scholarships available NOW.
The Rotary Club of Kona Mauka offers ten new scholarships open to West Hawaii Students. Pick up a form now from Mrs. Hartney across from the counselors offices. Apply for scholarship money during Spring break.
Keauhou Canoe Club Academic scholarship and Mike Haines Memorial Merit (Leadership and Community involvement) scholarship applications are available for students who have paddled for community or school team within the last 18 months. See Mrs. Hartney
Kiewit Building group offers scholarships for construction management, engineering or architecture, $2500. see Mrs. Hartney
Hannemann scholarships to one male and one female who demonstrate Samoan academic promise and leadership potential.
Hawaii Community Federal Credit Union offers 5 scholarships.
Hawaii Association of Public Accountants offers scholarships for 2 and 4 year college majors in accounting
Monsanto Hawaii Life Sciences scholarship for biology, agriculture, agronomy, botany, chemistry horticulture, crop/soil science. See Mrs. Hartney for scholarship applications.
Auto Body Hawaii Essay scholarship for students and teachers.
Spadaro scholarship for IET-Auto technician majors at Hawaii Community College.
Big Island Press Club for Journalism/communication majors
American Association of University Women awards to young women
Kuakini Hawaiian Civic Club of Kona scholarship award applications are all available at Mrs. Hartney's office across from the counselors offices. Pick up apps to work on during Spring Break to earn scholarship money for college expenses.