December 5, 2012: Quarter 2 PTP Deadline

  1. Student must submit “ONE BW per class per semester” into his/her E-Portfolio.
  2. After completing the BWs, student is required to submit a "Best Work Sample Checklist" to his/her CEPA teacher by December 5, 2012.  If no checklist is turned in, then the assumption is that he/she did not complete the PTP-BW assignment and will get a “0” for the assignment AND an “I” grade for CEPA.
  • For each BW, Upload the correct file and complete the heading (title, class, teacher) ONLY. 
  • Q1 PTP requirements (for those that did not complete it last quarter): profile, 5yr plan- 9th grade only 
  • NOTE:  Students that have the BCA class this semester will complete the GLO/HOM reflections, etc in the BCA class.   Students enrolled in a BCA class for next semester will complete the GLO/HOM reflections, etc then.

  • Complete BWs for this semester ONLY. 
  • Past BW requirement is no longer due this is postponed to Q3.
  • Q1 PTP requirements (for those that did not complete it last quarter.): profile, 5yr plan, 2 career assess results (RIASEC and D/L Survey), a career assess reflection 