Free Homework Help at Kealakehe High

Free Homework Help at Kealakehe High

Kealakehe High’s WaveRider Learning Center is again offering free homework help in the school’s Library starting Monday, November 5. Students will need to complete an application and have it signed by their parents in order for students to participate. Applications will be available in the school’s main office and Library starting Monday, Oct. 29. Check the school’s website ( for the application.
The Center will be open when school is in session from 3:30 to 6:15 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Students will be required to sign in and out daily and spend all sessions in the library.
Transportation will be provided to designated areas including Waikoloa. There will be a $30 charge per quarter. If a student has “reduced” lunch, the fee will be $15 per quarter. If a student has “free” lunch, there will not be a charge. Fees will need to be collected on or prior to the first day the student attends the Center.
All school rules and regulations apply and a copy of Chapter 19 Disciplinary Plan may be obtained from the Administration Office. Violation of these rules may result in school suspension or dismissal from the WaveRider Learning Center.
For more information, please contact Tammy Furrer, Vice Principal at 327-4300, ext. 2277 or e-mail: [email protected].

A copy of the application is attached.