For students who wish to pay with cash in school, tickets will be sold in the SAC Office from October 15 - October 26.
Tickets are $35 for all Kealakehe High School students and $40 for all guest who do not currently attend our school. Guests must be, at the very minimum, enrolled in the 9th grade. Guest out of school may attend as long as they are age 20 and under.
Parents and students must first set up an account with EZSchoolpay before purchasing their tickets. Registration only needs to be done once and is free.
- Should you be purchasing tickets for two Kealakehe High School students, please click on "Winter Ball - KHS Students" once you have entered EZSchoolPay and change the amount due to $70. This will alleviate the need to pay two separate convenience fees (this fee goes to the credit/debit card processor, not the school). Add both student names to the appropriate fields.
- Should you be purchasing a ticket for a guest who does not attend our school, it must be done through your EZSchoolPay account as a separate transaction. Please select "Winter Ball - Guest" and fill in the guest's name in the appropriate field. Tickets for these attendees are $40.
- Attendees who purchase tickets for students who do not attend our school and only pay $35 for their ticket will not be able to attend!
*All transactions must be completed from home. The physical acceptance of credit and debit cards will not be done at school.