Habitat for Humanity Service Project
This year’s service learning aspect of Homecoming will come from participation in Habitat for Humanity’s “La’i ‘Opua Blitz Build.” While the build will be held before homecoming week, points may still be earned by classes by participating in two activities:
- Mahalo sign waiving party for the Home Blitz Builders and Global Village on Thursday, September 13 from 7:00 – 7:45AM (on Kealakehe Parkway). Volunteers will meet in the office parking lot at 6:45AM.
- Manning the hospitality tent on the job site on various days between Friday, September 14 and Friday, September 21 from 4:30 – 6:00PM. Volunteers MUST sign up for their shifts in the SAC Office and have the proper forms turned in prior showing up to the job site.
In order to be eligible to participate in the hospitality tent service, students must have the following documents turned in to the SAC Office (for all shifts) by Monday, September 10 at 12:00PM:
- Hawaii Department of Education’s parent authorization form (SA1)
- Habitat for Humanity’s minor volunteer information form
These forms will be available on the school’s website or in the SAC Office. Remember, you must sign up BEFORE the event in order to be eligible. Sign up for your shift in the SAC Office.
Volunteers for the hospitality tent are needed on the following days (all from 4:30 – 6:00PM):
- Friday, September 14
- Monday, September 17 – Friday, September 21
Each student who shows up to these events will receive one spirit point for their class. The class that averages the most participants over the week will earn the following amount of spirit points:
- 1st place = 200 spirit points
- 2nd place = 190 spirit points
- 3rd place = 180 spirit points
- 4th place = 170 spirit points
*NHS members who are participating in the painting project on Saturday, September 22 are eligible to earn points for their class as well (as long as their SA1 and Habitat forms are turned in).