Commencement 2012 FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

1.  How many tickets does each graduate receive?  May I purchase more?

Each graduate has already received a total of six tickets in their CEPA classes last month.  The two dark blue tickets are used for reserved field seating and the four light blue for early bleacher admit.  Extra tickets are not available for purchase.

2.  What time do the doors open?

Doors open for all ticket holders at 4:30.  At 5:30 tickets are no longer needed for entry; people without tickets may enter at anytime after 5:30.

3.  Where will leis be given after this year's ceremony?

It was obvious that last year's location did not work out as planned.  Thus, the giving of leis will be moved back to the field.  However, this will happen along the tennis courts and bleachers - not behind the stage.  Attendees are asked to stay in the bleachers until the ceremony is over.  Large letters will mark the area where graduates can be met.

4.  Where may I obtain pictures of the ceremony?  May I purchase pictures of my graduate receiving his or her diploma?

Charla Photography is the official photographer of the 2012 ceremony.  Graduates received photo information during last week's graduation practice.  

5.  Is my son or daughter going to graduate?

All questions regarding your child's academic progress should be directed to the class of 2012's counselor, Ms. Elaine Bowler.  She may be reached via email at [email protected].

6.  Where there be handicap accessible parking and entrances?

Yes.  In order to be eligible for handicap accessible parking a current county decal must be present and hanging from the rear view mirror of the automobile.  Accessible parking will be adjacent to the gym and attendees may use the lower field entrance.  Wheelchair access is available at both the top and bottom entrances however it is recommended that attendees who use wheelchairs use the lower entrance as there are more accessible parking spots available.

Questions not answered here may be addressed to [email protected]
