Class of 2020 Recognition Day - May 20

This event is open to all Kealakehe High School Class of 2020 members!

The following will take place on campus Wednesday, May 20 from 12:00PM – 3:15PM. Please follow the posted advisory schedule (found below):
    • Top 10% and Valedictorians – Seniors who qualify for either of these distinctions will receive their regalia (medal and/or cords) at this drive up event.
    • AVID – AVID completers will receive their cord.
    • Graduate Yard Signs – each graduate will receive a sign to post in their yard. This sign designates them as a graduate and has a place where families may add a picture of their graduate.  We hope each family posts these signs in their yards.
    • Poster Drop Off – We ask that each family drops off a poster which contains their graduate’s name and picture. Please keep it to a standard poster board size (22x28).  These posters will be placed throughout the campus the day of our drive up ceremony.
    • Project Grad Gifts - Project Grad will be handing out a number of free gifts.
We ask that you arrive at your scheduled time:
Brown, Justin 12:00 12:30
Colvin, Keith 12:00 12:30
Friedman, Nico 12:00 12:30
Harrison, Paul 12:30 1:00
Harrs, Greg 12:30 1:00
Hayes, John 1:00 1:30
Koizumi-Droge, Fumi J 1:00 1:30
Macklin, George 1:30 2:00
Okumoto-miller, Kathryn 1:30 2:00
Sheff, Karen 2:00 2:30
Shelor, William 2:00 2:30
Stuart, Amanda 2:30 3:00
Verble, Larry 2:30 3:00
Witsman, Ezra 3:00 3:30
Zamber, Ann K 3:00 3:30