Stay at Home TikTok Challenge

Here are the rules:
  1. Make it funny.  We can all use a laugh.
  2. The student whose TikTok receives the most likes by the end of the contest will win a $50 gift card to the store of their choice (when we return).
  3. One entry per student.
  4. The TikTok should represent your new temporary life of staying at home.
  5. Only new TikToks.  Posts created before today are not eligible.
  6. A link to your entry must be texted to Young at 808-960-8038 by 3:00PM on March 30.
  7. Links to entries will be posted on the school's website by 3:00PM on April 1.
  8. Like voting ends at 10:00AM on April 6.
  9. Entries must be hash-tagged #WaveRiderStayathome 