Bulletin Board » Senior Portraits and Cap and Gown photos July 15-26 in Room Q101

Senior Portraits and Cap and Gown photos July 15-26 in Room Q101

Senior Portraits will be taken by last name in room Q101 from July 15th to 26th, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Kealakehe High School. Please wear white for your photo! For more information, please contact Julie Lance.

July 15 - A,B,C,D

July 16 - E,F,G,

July 17 - H, I, J

July 18 - K, L

July 19 - M, N, O


July 22 - P, Q, R

July 23 - S, T

July 24 - U, V, W, X, Y, Z

July 25 - MAKEUP


Do not worry if your student can not make it on any of these days. Have them see ms Lance in room Q101 to set up a time to have their photo taken in the month of August
Contact Julie Lance 559-423-3683 julie.lance@k12.hi.us
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